Koi fish is another popular tattoo design on ribs or rib cage especially among men. The Koi fish is more than just a colorful and collectible fish but rather has a lot of symbolical meaning attached to it.
Also known as Carp, the fish is a fixture of Japanese tattooing and play important roles in both Chinese and Japanese myths, legends, fables and stories. It is celebrated in Japan particularly because of its manly and strong qualities. Koi are transformed through their efforts and perseverance, able to climb waterfalls or become dragon. If caught, it lies upon the cutting board awaiting the knife without a quiver comparable to a samura warrior facing a sword. That is why, in tattoo imagery, this design especially in combination with flowing water,has become a symbolism of courage, achievement, and overcoming life’s obstacles.
Koi tattoo design is inked in a rib in bright and elaborate colors.
The koi represents fearlessness and courage on its journey through the ocean, a reminder of human suffering through our own life’s journey. With such meaningful message, its no wonder that koi tattoo on ribs is one of the most favored designs on ribs.
tattoo photo by chrisjack34
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